Tone has worked as a Bodywork/Massage therapist since 1977, having trained by private apprenticeship and from Esalen, CA, US. She is a certified Advanced Rolfer™ since 1988. And she was authorized as a Continuum Movement teacher by Emilie Conrad in 2005 and worked with her until her death in 2014. She is a certified Psychodrama director — teacher, educator, practitioner and a trained Buteyko Practitioner. She has also worked extensively with Susan Harper and her Continuum Montage since 1999.
She is a member of PiN, the Psychodrama Association in Norway, ERA - European Rolfing Association, The Continuum Teacher Association.
Tone has a deep trust in the healing potential of the human organism, she is known to facilitate and create environment for change and exploration. She has a great love for deepening in silence and the power of nature.