In 1968 and ’69 I met and trained with Ida Rolf, the founder of Structural Integration (Rolfing). I then studied with Judith Aston who developed Aston Patterning. Over time I helped to develop and teach Rolfing Movement for the Rolf Institute. I also became an instructor teaching Rolfing. In 1978 I met Emilie Conrad and continued to studied with both her and Susan Harper from then on.
I participated in her first teacher training, becoming a Continuum movement teacher in the 90s. I have taught in Colorado, California, Austin, TX, N. Carolina, and at my current home of Vashon Island, WA. I have also taught in Japan, Germany, France, England, Spain and Finland. I co-taught with Emilie Conrad in 2014. According to her wishes I began co-teaching with Robert Litman in the Wellsprings Practitioner Training that they developed together.
I currently maintain a practice of Rolfing, private Continuum sessions, and mentoring of Continuum practitioners and those becoming Continuum teachers.