Monthly Continuum Inquiry Playshop
Continuum Inquiry Playshop
Second Monday of the Month
5:30-7:30pm Pacific Time
Sliding Scale $20-$40, no one turned away for lack of funds
What is Continuum?
Continuum is a direct experience inquiry into our unique movement expression and tissue orchestration. We use sound, breath and subtle movement to enliven the fluid intelligence of our body. The practice helps us to be responsive and adaptable in movement and thought; experiencing a greater flow of energy, increased tissue adaptability and generating multi-dimensional movement dynamics.
What will we do?
We will take some time to discuss our motif for the evening, followed by ample time (an hour-ish) for self-regulated movement exploration, and closing with a short and sweet sensation/experience naming circle. This time for slow inner somatic exploration is deeply nourishing for our tissues, our soul and the world. This practice is appropriate for all abilities and body types.
Please click here to register.