Opening Our Resonant Body Online Series - Saturdays
A shift in the interior landscape of one’s body will reconfigure the landscape of one’s life. Each of us has a deeply personal reference point that defines how we perceive reality, as well as how we think, move, and relate. When we cultivate a receptive, adaptable, fluid body, we meet ourselves with love and compassion. And when this becomes our lived experience, we transform the landscape of the world. At this time, many of us are feeling the pull into a new reference point, one that allows us a broader, more encompassing view and invites new horizons of being.
Resonance is the living language of the Universe. All bodies that experience being relate through a field of resonance, creating a highly dynamic expression and way of relating. When we open our resonant capacity, we deepen into the field, expanding into new dimensions of interiority and mutualism.
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