The Generative Movements of All Life
The Generative Movements of All Life ~ Winter Continuum with Elaine Colandrea
6 Weekly class series or 4 Monthly class series
During the coldest days of the year as light gradually returns to the northern hemisphere, the universal and generative movement common to all life forms on earth will be our source of inspiration.
With Continuum breathing, sounding and movement practices, we will explore what makes us truly alive – from full out expression to the ability to rest deeply.
Create your own interior warmth, delve into your unique wholeness, while being in fellowship with other explorers in the zoom forum. Please note Shared Voices*, special event on March 20, open to all enrolled in any class series.
Choice of Tuesdays 6:15 pm - 8:30 pm EST or Thursdays 10:00 am - 12:15 pm EST
A missed class can be viewed by recording.