We Are The Stars ~ Somatic Explorations of Our Cosmic Origins
For thousands of years we have studied the heavens, tracking the movements of stars and planets as a way to reach into the macrocosm and make meaning of our human experience. The constantly changing geometry of the night offers us a personal reflection, a way of orienting ourselves in a dynamic context of ongoing involutionary and evolutionary cycles within cycles.
Astrology is an ancient and evolving art of mapping and interpreting the relationship with and felt experience of the movements of heavenly bodies as they interact with us individually and collectively. We are a living cosmic dance, expressing in and through the many dimensions of reality - learning, growing and evolving as one universal symphony. The twelve zodiac archetypes reflect the complexity and multivalent nature of this choreography.
In this course, we will explore and discover the universe within, mapping our own cosmic body. Each class will explore the astrological themes and highlights of the current season, attuning each of us to the energies influencing our personal lives and global collective. These themes will then be woven into a Dive, a non verbal, somatic experience of these cosmological energies. Diving below cognition and critical thinking, we tap the intuitive body wisdom inherent in the language of movement and sound. Continuum is a self-directed somatic practice grounded in breath, felt sensation, attention, movement and sound/vibration. Through the wide aperture of this innovative approach to embodiment, fuller incarnation is made possible. The landscape of the body becomes the skyscape of the stars. Outer reflects inner and inner reflects outer. It is here where eternity meets time, where form meets emptiness, where earth and heaven are One.
This 4 part online class series will meet on the first Saturdays of the month from 12:30pm - 5pm EST (dates listed below). Each class will contain content, experiential practice ( a long dive, meditation ) and Q/A.
All classes offered on Zoom, recorded and downloaded to Dropbox.
Tuition for all 4 classes: $300; can be paid in full or 2 or 3 installments or can be taken individually for: $95.
~ Saturdays ~
September 2, 2023 December 2, 2023
March 2, 2024, June 1, 2024
Sabine Mead is a Master Somatic Movement Educator, Continuum Teacher and Mentor. She has studied Astrology for decades and currently mentors with Ellias Lonsdale of Star Genesis Wisdom.
To register, contact Sabine at sabine@resonantbody.com