Winter's Wisdom
As we move into the heart of winter, in the northern hemisphere, we can follow nature’s cues- deepening into the dark, rich places of our being, taking time for restoration and pause.
We will look to some of what Traditional Chinese medicine offers us in terms of insight into Winter and our body systems in relation to this season. As well as exploring and feeling into our own individual and collective body response and creativity in the depths of exploration.
The half day workshop retreat time together will allow for the luxury of extended exploration, movement, and listening time (away from the screen), as well as extra reflection time through journaling and sharing.
Let's start our new year together, from the depths....
$35 if registered by Dec 24th.
$45 if registered after.
Please click here to register.
Zoom link will be provided in the welcome letter after registration.
*If you are new to Continuum please reach out to me before registering at