Tending the Waters Within: A Continuum Exploration
We are living bodies of water. As such, our bodies form part of the big water cycles of this planet - we belong to the web of innumerable temporary hosts for the fluids of this earth that are constantly moving, flowing, shapeshifting through myriads of different forms and locations, and that are at the center of all life on earth.
In this Continuum class, we connect with the waters of our own body - through breath, sound, movement, imagery, and sensation. It is an invitation to tap into a deep sense of your aliveness and vitality, to connect to the intelligence of your fluid system, and to get a felt sense experience of our embeddedness in the web of life.
Sunday, January 12th, 2025, 6:00 p.m. - 9 p.m. CET
Find out what this means for your time zone here:
(Note that this is the (live) online version of the event. There will also be an in-person version of the same class in Berlin the day before.)
Please click here to register.